Hi. My name is Barbara Walters Price (yes, my maiden name was Barbara Walters). I am the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Mercer Capital. I am also a member of the firm’s board of directors, the only non-fee earner on the board.
Mercer Capital is a national business valuation and financial advisory services firm.
Among other things, I am responsible for the firm's marketing strategy and for overseeing all marketing functions of the firm, including corporate communications, web site development, speaking engagements, product development, newsletters, e-newsletters, direct marketing, web and live seminars, and business development.
In addition to my marketing responsibilities, I led the firm in developing a strategic plan in 2007 and currently oversee the implementation of that strategic plan.
I publish and speak often on the topic of professional services marketing and leadership, with a specialty in firms providing business valuation services, and provide other professional service firms with marketing and product development advice.
Feel free to drop me a note at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/barbarawaltersprice.
Marketing professional service firms
Professional development
Strategic planning
Web site development
Direct marketing
Book publishing
Social media
Trade shows
Business development