I am reading a book entitled "Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Red Book of Selling." It is sub-titled "12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness." It's a fun and quick read. While I am not a salesperson, I like to read books on selling for the insight they provide. Many in professional service firms consider selling to be beneath them. All I have to say to that is keep thinking that. It does nothing but help me to the sale.
Something struck me in the chapter PREPARE TO WIN, OR LOSE TO SOMEONE WHO IS that applies to professional service firms and the professionals in them. To quote Jeffrey (taking a few liberties to make the quote speak to you):
Proper preparation takes time, but I assure you it's impressive to the prospect. He or she knows that you have prepared, and is silently impressed. It's an advantage that very few [professionals] use. They make the fatal error of getting all their own stuff ready. Powerpoint slides, samples, literature, business cards - you know, all the same things the competition is doing. Biggest mistake in sales. And almost every [professional] makes it.
How many times have we all fallen into this trap - the trap of failing to learn all you can about your prospect because you were spending all your time preparing your own stuff - focusing on yourself and your firm. Remember, it's not about you. It's all about your prospect and/or client. Don't do all the talking. Listen. And listen to learn!