"We judge others by their actions; we judge ourselves by our intentions." (author unknown)
When serving clients, remember these words. Clients do not care about your intentions. They expect that you will do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it, and with the quality you promised.
If you are a leader, remember these words. Your intentions, as admirable as they may be, mean nothing to the people that work for and with you. You get no points for good intentions. Pay attention, instead, to the message your actions communicate.
If you work for others, remember these words. Others depend upon you and your contribution is often directly measured by your actions - not your best intentions.
We often give ourselves a "pass" because our intentions were correct. ("The road to hell ...") All the while, we have no appreciation of the impact our actions (or inaction) have on those around us. Focus on doing what you said you would do and acting in a manner that you expect from others. You become a person of your word which is invaluable.