Hi all. After a seven-week maternity leave, I'm back at work and back to blogging regularly. Sorry for the sporadic posting but I promise to do better.
However, while I was away, information was being shared and blogs were being created. Two new blogs of interest specifically for business valuation professionals are Eva Lang's blog, Business Valuation Blog, and Jan Tudor's blog, JT Research's Research Review. Check them out.
Also, check out marketing posts of interest. This one was posted a couple of week's ago on Larry Bodine's Professional Marketing Blog, and is entitled "The Myth of Client Pain." Pay special attention to the comments. The comments, along with the post, provide great food for thought. This is a topic I would love to explore with a group of marketing professionals and "fee earners" over a drink or two.
Tom Kane's Legal Marketing Blog has a post entitled "I Ain't Doing That Marketing." Be sure to read it and give it to your marketing director if they are pressuring you to contribute to your firm's marketing program in a manner in which you know you won't be successful. As a marketing director in a firm full of mostly introspective financial-types, I can vouch for the truth in this post. To marketing professionals I say don't set your people up to fail - set them up to win by knowing and capitalizing on their strengths. To the "fee earners" I say speak up and communicate your interests and perceived strengths and be willing to contribute to your and your firm's success. It takes a team effort to win.