In 2006, we will launch a redesigned website and the whole effort pretty much scares the bahoey out of me. Why? Evolution.
As Mercer Capital evolves, so must our website. If we make a wrong decision re platform, we can be stuck with something destined for extinction much faster than is feasible. I have to keep in mind that it's easy to become seduced by the newest and hippest technology and design styles -- the herd mentality. But it's my job to keep focused on the core purpose of the site ... to ultimately turn visitors into buyers.
Notice the intentionality of what I said. If you're not focused on turning visitors into buyers, you are wasting your time (and money) and theirs.
Throw in the extra wrinkle of managing different constituencies during the redesign process, all of whom have very strong opinions. (For a great discussion on managing change, see Bruce Allen's Marketing Catalyst blog.) Too many cooks not only spoil the soup, they make it unrecognizable.
The hard truth is, we may have to sacrifice some design elements in order to absolutely ensure functionality and the ability to customize on a moment's notice so that we have the opportunity to leverage the site to turn visitors into buyers.
Case in point: Monday afternoon, one of the speakers at the Heckerling conference where we are exhibiting recommended one of our articles to the attendees and suggested that they visit our website to download it. Among other things, I called my associate back at the office who immediately posted a prominent welcome message to Heckerling attendees on our website along with a link to the referenced article making us look smart and responsive.
So, is a website ever "finished"? As fate would have it, in an e-mail from Marketing Sherpa today, I was given the answer in an article entitled "Two Best E-Mail Marketing Pledges for 2006."
Pledge #2. To make your site more successful in 2006
"Repeat after me: My site is a dynamic marketing tool and it will never be finished ... and that's ok."
I say "Amen" to that. Stay tuned to see how it all progresses!