I've been absent from this blog for two weeks now. Hope someone missed me but I'm not counting on it. I was out of town for a long weekend serving on a team during an Emmaus Walk and then prepping for and delivering two teleseminars in one week. All of that on top of what I normally do here at Mercer Capital to make the phone ring along with chasing two kids and one husband at home. Whew. I'm tired. But I'm back with information to share.
Until I get to that information, I thought I'd do something that I've never done but have been asked about. I'm posting pictures of my kids.
Here is 3 year old Sarah. Actually, she's 2 years old in this picture which was taken on the beach in Miami Beach last year during my stint as the heavily pregnant (at the time) booth babe at the Philip E. Heckerling Conference. She's a doll and as you can probably tell, adopted. She's originally from XinTao China. Her birthday is November 25, 2002, the same day our adoption dossier arrived in China. We adopted her when she was 12 months old and we simply adore her. If any of my readers want to know more about adopting from China, please contact me. I would love to talk with you.
This is Annie. She arrived the old-fashioned way. We had all the paperwork complete for our second adoption from China when we found out that Annie was coming. Whenever I tell this story, people always say "oh, I know someone who got pregnant after adopting." You would think it's very common but I found out that it's not really. However, I certainly didn't think it would happen to me. Annie was born April 21, 2005 to a 43 year old mother. She's beautiful and healthy and now 10 months old. She began crawling two weeks ago. Life is certainly different with two mobile little ones.
I'll save a picture of my handsome hubby for another post. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures of the kids. They, along with my husband, are the reason I do what I do.