It's been busy since my last post. A trip to Syracuse to visit the in-laws (in beautiful 75 degree weather as opposed to 103 degrees here - ah, summertime in the south). I return and then out of town again on a business development trip, and then slammed with those things that make the phone ring around here.
Here is a quick round up of interesting posts:
Executive (Branch) Compensation - from Eva Lang's BV Girl Business Valuation Blog
Michelle Golden got caught in the storm that ravaged St. Louis - So sorry, Michelle. I know what you're dealing with. A few years ago a freak summer storm blew through Memphis and knocked out power to 75% of the city. We affectionately referred to it as "Hurricane Elvis." Hope everything get back to normal soon.
If your idea is worth spreading, then presentation matters - from Presentation Zen
Tom Kane's Legal Marketing Blog got a nod from Duct Tape Marketing - way to go Tom
Debbie Weil's Corporate Blogging Book has arrived - my CEO is a believer because ... picks up a post from Mercer on Value (our CEO)! What does it mean? Maybe nothing. Maybe something. But it's a nice way to end the week.
Have a great weekend.