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November 11, 2008


Debra Helwig

WELCOME BACK, Barbara! Great to see you posting again.

On the idea of generating newsletter articles, I encourage firms to think differently about WHO should be writing. In so many cases we think about articles solely as a spotlight for the partners - BUT, partners often are busy and don't want to write. What about the lower level professionals in the firm who are looking to get their names out there and differentiate themselves both within the firm and in the marketplace? They may need some coaching, but as content providers they may be more reliable. This "bottom up" mentality will eventually help the partners get committed as well, because as lower level professionals move up in the firm they'll take the writing habit with them.

Another idea that comes from my background in magazines is to promote the commitment internally. If someone volunteers to write, publish that fact as a "rah rah" on the company intranet or in the internal newsletter in addition to celebrating the completed work. This could reduce your "failure to complete" rate considerably (because people are now committed in front of their peers) as well as provide a nice pat on the back for those who volunteer.

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