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February 04, 2010


Ian Brodie

It's a very interesting point Barbara.

My gut reaction to the "I just want to get my name out" comment was "but you need to know who's actually reading it, who's interested, who may be taking action...".

But, as you say, that may be a step too far for your friend.

Professional marketers and advisors need to be one step or two ahead of their client's thinking - gently leading them to a better place. But if we're too many steps ahead we run the risk of losing them. It's very easy for us to get excited about the latest buzz when our clients and colleagues are still struggling with the basics.

In this case, maybe it's best to focus on the simple stuff first - but provide a future proof path for the inevitable. 'cos sure as eggs is eggs, in a few months time when your friend is comfortable that his newsletter is getting out OK, he's bound to ask "how do I find out who's actually reading it?". And if the answer is "well, we didn't implement that and we'll have to start again from scratch if you want to know it" he's not going to be happy.


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